Leona Ranch SOLD OUT

Property Type
Recreation, Hunting
The Leona Ranch is located 14 miles north of Brackettville, Tx. off Highway 674. The ranch is less than a mile off Hwy 674, access to the ranch is provided by a recorded easement via a caliche road. The ranch is located on the southern edge of the Edwards Plateau, known throughout Texas for it's abundance of whitetail deer and turkey. Vegetation on the ranch is primarily live oak and cedar with a mixture of Edwards Plateau and south Texas brushes. The northern part of the ranch has some Pinon Pine trees thrown into the mix. The southernmost portion of the ranch is more characteristic of south Texas brush country with scattered oaks, mesquite and cedar trees. Kinney County is a five deer county. In addition to the abundant deer population found on the ranch hunters will find Rio Grande turkey, feral hogs, quail and doves.
Just about every tract on the ranch will have beautiful views of Pinto Mountain to the west, Las Moras Mountain and the Anacacho Mountains to the south and the Turkey Mountains to the east.
Lots & Prices
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Legal & Restrictions
The property in the Leona Ranch, Kinney County, Texas, is subject to the covenants hereby made by the developer, (Seller), to-wit:
1. That these covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on the Purchaser and all persons claiming under him. Purchaser understands that these restrictions and covenants are filed in the Real Property Records of Kinney County, Texas.
2.Hunting of all kinds for all game or other animals, whether on foot or by vehicle, is prohibited on or from roads in Leona Ranch. That the above property herein shall not be used for commercial or day lease hunting nor any manufacturing purposes.
3. That no automobile, truck, trailer, or other vehicle shall be abandoned on this property, nor shall there be any dumping or placing of unsightly objects of any kind on the property.
4. That no structure of any kind (including hunting blinds and/or deer feeders) shall be permitted within 200 feet of any roadway easement or any property line.
5. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any tract nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to any adjoining tract. No tract shall be maintained or utilized in such a manner as to violate any applicable statute, ordinance or regulation of the United States of America, the State of Texas, the County of Kinney, if applicable, or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction thereof.
6. Not more than one residence shall be permitted on any tract. No communal residences shall be permitted.
7. That no commercial swine operation shall be permitted.
8. PURCHASER agrees not to impede the flow of water in and to existing water lines, tanks, or troughs that are on his property and grants ingress and egress to persons who need to maintain said improvements and wells which furnish water to the lines, tanks or troughs. Only those Purchasers who own an interest in an existing well shall have the right to use water from said well. Seller will not furnish water to any existing water troughs or tanks.
9. That no tract may be subdivided without the express written consent of the SELLER. This restriction will not prevent the Texas Veteran's Land Board (TVLB) from deeding a tract to a veteran for the purpose of a home site.
10. No deviation of any kind shall be permitted from these restrictions unless permission is granted in writing by the Seller.
Request More Info
To learn more about Leona Ranch SOLD OUT please email shawnee88@yahoo.com or use the form below.